Annual report 2023

Enhancing climate research for climate policy


Fifteen years of climate research together

Since its creation in 2008, BC3 has harnessed climate research to accelerate the transition to a resilient and net-zero emissions society, aiming to limit warming to 1.5°C and secure better-informed climate policy-making by 2050.

This Report marks 15 years of BC3's support to the climate community. Explore our anniversary timeline to see key milestones and achievements that have shaped our journey since 2008 and discover how we've grown from a pioneering research centre to a global leader in climate action.

Our strategy: Leveraging science to shape climate policy

We strive to make knowledge integration around climate research stronger, faster, and smarter, contributing to a sustainable, decarbonized, resilient, prosperous and inclusive future.

To execute our mission, we pursue six strategic objectives and three cross-cutting themes to fulfill the challenges and demands that addressing climate change requires in a post-Paris Agreement era while moving towards the achievement of the 2030 SDGs.

Understanding past and future climate changes

SO 1

Support decision making in the transition to a low carbon society

SO 2

Understanding and managing terrestrial system for sustanibility

SO 3

Support decision making for successful and effective adaption

SO 4

Integrated moddelling of coupled human-natural system

SO 5

Promoting integrated interdisciplinary & trandisciplinary research

SO 6

BC3’s people

With 120+ employees from multiple fields of knowledge, BC3 has excellent results in attracting international talent.

Thanks to our people and partners, those who make it possible for us to achieve our goals and allow us to see ourselves as an organization unrestricted by our physical boundaries.

Relevant data 2023





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BC3 Annual
Report 2023

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About BC3

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Advancing transdisciplinary research on climate change
The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) is an international and multidisciplinary research institute based in the Basque Country. Created in 2008, BC3 is devoted to co-producing scientific knowledge towards sustainable development relevant to decision-making by integrating the environmental, socioeconomic, and ethical dimensions of climate change.